IR Policy
Information disclosure standards
We disclose information based on an accuracy, fairness and transparency in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, including the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and the Timely Disclosure Rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and other rules. We will disclose to the best extent possible information that is considered useful for shareholders and investors in making investment decisions, including information that is not prescribed in the Timely Disclosure Rules and other rules, in a proactive and fair manner.Definition of information disclosure
We effort to timely and properly disclose information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, including the Companies Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and the Timely Disclosure Rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and other rules. We have a proactive and fairness disclosure policy to disclose information that is not prescribed in the Timely Disclosure Rules and other rules, in accordance with fare disclosure spirit to meet investor’s expectation as far as possible.
Statutory disclosure
Disclosure under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act : Annual Securities Reports, Quarter Securities Reports, Extraordinary Report etc.
Disclosure under the Companies Act: Business report, Financial statements and consolidated financial statements etc.
Tokyo Stock Exchange rule’s disclosure
Timely disclosure : Disclosures of information about corporate decisions or events for which the Tokyo Stock Exchange requires timely disclosure etc.
Other: Corporate Governance Reports
Other disclosure
IR-related disclosure materials (Financial results briefing materials etc.)
Information disclosure method
Disclosures of information subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules are registered and provided through the Tokyo Stock Exchange's Timely Disclosure network (TDnet) and we quickly provide the same information on our HP after making the disclosure through TDnet. Also, other information that is not subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules, we actively disclose timely on our HP and so on, that information that we judge would be effective and useful.Prevention of insider trading
Regarding prevention of insider trading, etc,, we have established information management rules and relevant internal rules, strive to ensure full dissemination. In addition, we hold a study session on insider trading regulations every year for officers and employees, and we distribute explanations of insider trading and strive to make them fully aware of its purpose and to get their attention of insider trading.Quiet Period
We observe a quiet period of around 45 days prior to an earnings results announcement date to prevent divulging earnings information and to ensure disclosure. During this quiet period, we cannot comment on or answer any inquiries about earnings results and forecast. If consolidated financial results forecast is expected to change significantly, however, we promptly disclose the information as appropriate in accordance with Disclosure Rules and other rules.Information disclosure system
We consider that the timely disclosure to investors and other stakeholders is one of our most important management priorities, and proactively and swiftly disclose information. Our chief responsible for information disclosure and handling is manager of the Corporate Planning Department. Information disclosure is performed by the Corporate Planning Department as the department in charge of information disclosure under the direction of the person responsible for information disclosure and handling. The department in charge of information disclosure promptly disclose the determined facts and financial results (including quarterly disclosure) after decisions are made by the Board of Directors, or after approval, under the direction of the person in charge of information handling. Material facts and other company information are gathered from related divisions and group companies to the manager responsible for information disclosure and handling.The manager responsible for information disclosure and handling reports important information to the President after examining the importance of information. If it is determined that the information is a disclosure matter, the manager responsible for information disclosure and handling gives instructions to the department in charge of information disclosure. The above flow of timely disclosure is illustrated in the reference material "Timely Disclosure System (diagram)".