Segment Information


(Million yen)
Information Infrastructure Business 19,006 20,943 24,711 29,305 35,005
Application Services Business 9,546 9,985 7,242 7,300 8,205
Medical System Business - - 4,560 9,344 10,092
*The Company voluntarily adopted the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for its securities report for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021.
*FY2021 figures for the Application Services business do not include figures for the medical field.
*Medical System Business Unit was spun off from the Application Services Business Unit in FY2022.
*FY2021 results for medical systems business are the sum of former NOBORI, ICHIGO, and A-Line, plus the results of former PSP.FY2022 results are the sum of new PSP, ICHIGO, and A-Line.
Information Infrastructure Business 35,005
Application Services Business 8,205
Medical System Business 10,092
Information Infrastructure Business
(Million yen)
Application Services Business
(Million yen)
Medical System Business
(Million yen)

Operating profit

(Million yen)
Information Infrastructure Business 2,280 2,741 3,054 3,125 3,973
Application Services Business 747 841 -48 -20 317
Medical System Business - - 728 1,993 1,559
*The Company voluntarily adopted the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for its securities report for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021.
*Financial results on this page before 2020 are based on Japanese GAAP, and after the fiscal year ending March 2021 are based on IFRS.
*FY2021 figures for the Application Services business do not include figures for the medical field.
*Medical System Business Unit was spun off from the Application Services Business Unit in FY2022.
*FY2021 results for medical systems business are the sum of former NOBORI, ICHIGO, and A-Line, plus the results of former PSP.FY2022 results are the sum of new PSP, ICHIGO, and A-Line.
Information Infrastructure Business 3,973
Application Services Business 317
Medical System Business 1,559
Information Infrastructure Business
(Million yen)
Application Services Business
(Million yen)
Medical System Business
(Million yen)

