Business Strategy

"Creating Customer Value in the New Era"

The emergence of new technologies such as AI, which continues to evolve on a daily basis, the decline in the domestic workforce due to the falling birthrate and aging population, and changes in the social responsibilities that companies must assume, are all contributing to the emergence of a new era.
In this new era, the TechMatrix Group will continue to be a company that creates a better future by solving social issues with solutions that incorporate our “Judgement” and “business know-how”.
We will continue to be a company that solves social issues and creates a better future by providing solutions that incorporate our “connoisseurship” and “business know-how,” and we will continue to enhance our “customer value,
The new medium-term management plan (Creating Customer Value in the New Era) has been formulated with the aim of continuing to improve customer value.

"Judgement” means discovering cutting-edge technologies and social issues that need to be solved, and then solving the discovered social issues with our ”business know-how. For specific industries and operations that require expertise, the TechMatrix Group recognizes that its strength lies in its deep business knowledge as a result of the hundreds and thousands of customers it has served.
"Customer value” refers not only to the solutions and services we provide, but also to the value our customers perceive in the branding image of our company that provides them, the way our employees treat our customers, and the procedures and interactions in their dealings with us.

Key Strategies

Segment Basic Strategiy

Focus Area

